REUMADAGARNA 2014 - Svensk Reumatologisk Förening
Detectable trough serum infliximab was present in only 39% of 115 patients after a median interval from the baseline infusion of 10.7 months or within 8 weeks of cessa- assay for the measurement of infliximab and antibodies-to-infliximab levels in patient serum. J Immunol Methods. Aug 31 2012;382(1-2):177-188. PMID 22691619 4. Hernandez-Breijo B, Chaparro M, Cano-Martinez D, et al.
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At 8 weeks after a maintenance dose of 3 to 10 mg/kg of REMICADE, median infliximab serum concentrations ranged from approximately 0.5 to 6 mcg/mL; however, infliximab concentrations were not detectable (<0.1 mcg/mL) in patients who became positive for antibodies to infliximab. called Anser IFX (for infliximab), Anser ADA (for adalimumab), Anser VDZ (for vedolizumab), and Anser UST (for ustekinumab). The tests measure both serum drug concentrations and ADA. They are not based on an ELISA test, and can measure ADA in the presence of detectable drug levels, improving on a major limitation of the ELISA method. Detectable trough serum infliximab was present in only 39% of 115 patients after a median interval from the baseline infusion of 10.7 months or within 8 weeks of cessa- Predictors of Infliximab Clearance. Increased body weight, increased ADA concentrations, decreased serum albumin concentrations, and increased CRP or serum glucose concentrations were each predictive of higher baseline infliximab clearance (Figure 1).Over the range of body weight in the database (34–139 kg), baseline clearance ranged from 0.16 to 0.43 L/day.
An undetectable trough serum infliximab, irrespective of antibody status, is associated with less favourable outcomes … 2011-01-13 The presence of detectable ATI is independently associated with a shorter duration of response.² A serum infliximab concentration ≥3 ug/ml at trough is associated with a mean CRP level that is 52% less than in samples having an infliximab concentration <3 ug/ml.³ 2011-01-13 PROMETHEUS® Anser® IFX measures both serum infliximab levels and antibodies to infliximab – valuable information to help guide your treatment decisions for patients who lose response to infliximab.
2007-09-01 Clinical utility of antihuman lambda chain-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) versus double antigen ELISA for the detection of anti-infliximab antibodies A detectable serum infliximab was associated with higher rates of remission (69% vs 15%; p<0.001) and endoscopic improvement (76% vs 28%, p<0.001). An undetectable serum infliximab predicted an increased risk for colectomy (55% vs 7%, OR 9.3; 95% CI 2.9 to 29.9; p<0.001). A detectable serum infliximab was associated with higher rates of remission (69% vs 15%; p<0.001) and endoscopic improvement (76% vs 28%, p<0.001).
FI117703B - Förfarande för produktion av en chimär antikropp och
At 50% of the infusioncycle 5/7 (71% ± 33%) of the patients with HACAs just before the next infusion had low infliximab serum levels (< 1 mg/l) which was significantly more frequent compared to 0/20 of the non-antibody forming patients (p < 0.001). (Anti) Infliximab concentrations.
After intensification of infliximab therapy the infliximab antibody concentration decreased in …
Investigating the link between disease activity and infliximab serum levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients L. Valor1, D. Hernández-Flórez 1, I. de la Torre , T. del Rio 1, J.C. Nieto , detectable IFX levels were any predictor of clinical disease activity. 2007-09-01
Clinical utility of antihuman lambda chain-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) versus double antigen ELISA for the detection of anti-infliximab antibodies
A detectable serum infliximab was associated with higher rates of remission (69% vs 15%; p<0.001) and endoscopic improvement (76% vs 28%, p<0.001). An undetectable serum infliximab predicted an increased risk for colectomy (55% vs 7%, OR 9.3; 95% CI 2.9 to 29.9; p<0.001). A detectable serum infliximab was associated with higher rates of remission (69% vs 15%; p<0.001) and endoscopic improvement (76% vs 28%, p<0.001). An undetectable serum infliximab predicted an increased risk for colectomy (55% vs 7%, OR 9.3; 95% CI 2.9 to 29.9; p<0.001).
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Follow-up of infants exposed in utero and breastfed during maternal infliximab therapy have found no adverse effects and normal development.
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Individer som startade med ett icke-anti-TNF-preparat (5 %) hade tillgängliga the risk of ACS was detectable in comparison with the risk in general population during the 2 Abstractnummer: 20 20 HIGH SERUM CHOLESTEROL PREDICTS Mice that received HK-156 alone had no detectable serum TNFα. induced by LPS in vivo showed that HK-156 might have better effect than anti-TNF-mAb. anti-CD107a, anti-IFN-y, anti-TNF-a, anti-perforin, anti-GramB, anti-NKG2A, ( a ) Elektronmikroskopbild av renade exosomer från CHB-serum.
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2007-09-01 Clinical utility of antihuman lambda chain-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) versus double antigen ELISA for the detection of anti-infliximab antibodies A detectable serum infliximab was associated with higher rates of remission (69% vs 15%; p<0.001) and endoscopic improvement (76% vs 28%, p<0.001). An undetectable serum infliximab predicted an increased risk for colectomy (55% vs 7%, OR 9.3; 95% CI 2.9 to 29.9; p<0.001). A detectable serum infliximab was associated with higher rates of remission (69% vs 15%; p<0.001) and endoscopic improvement (76% vs 28%, p<0.001).