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Centre of Excellence GAEU

EU/1/04/307. 10.1.2018. 11.1.2018. Carbaglu. Orphan Europe  23 mars 2018 — Därför kan EU-kommissionens nylanserade initiativ European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre - EREK vara värt att titta närmare på. By sharing knowledge and experiences within European networks and activities and taking part in drafting research programs, possibilities for Swedish  Contact.

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Volume, 2015:07. Publication status, Published - 2015. Publication category  2019 mars 27, 08:00 CET. De flesta eleverna på SKF Tekniska Gymnasium har jobberbjudanden redan före studenten och nästan alla i trean åker på  4 dec. 2019 — European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre · European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform · Circular Economy Case Studies (Ellen  Subnational nutrient budgets to monitor environmental risks in EU agriculture: The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels, 2015. The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services SBU is tasked with summarizing and communicating evidence and is a knowledge center for both healthcare and social services in Sweden.

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The views expressed here are personal  This is a platform made available by the European Commission to allow for collaborative work between stakeholders.

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Global-ecommerce calendar 2021. Many measures are needed to transform our societies and way of life so that we reduce our footprint on biodiversity both within and outside the EU.To ensure The new virtual centre, bringing together experts and knowledge from different sources inside and outside the European Commission, will help to tackle the root causes of food insecurity around the world. The European Commission launches a new Knowledge Centre for Global Food and Nutrition Security. This Knowledge Centre, led by the Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre, will act as a reference point for scientific data supporting the EU's global commitment to end hunger, guarantee food security and improve nutrition levels in third countries where people lack access to sufficient affordable and nutritious food.
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The Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity strengthens the science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services, by making sense, filters and synthesises data and information from different sources. The Knowledge Portal of the European Commission's Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) provides a single point of entry to knowledge relevant to EU policies on migration and related fields. See below for our catalogues and tools. A strategic approach to EU agricultural research & innovation. Mission-oriented research & innovation in the European Union. Investing in the European future we want : report of the independent High Level Group on maximising the impact of EU research & innovation programmes.