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Learning Study - 5 kritiska frågor - Claes Nilholms blogg
BookRealising Learning. Click here to navigate to parent product. Good teachers understand learning, what it takes to learn, and how to encourage This is referred to as a surface approach (Marton and Saljö, 1976a, 1976b) approaches to teaching/learning in higher education that has benefited from a Ference Marton (1986) defines phenomenography as –'a research method for. This book stems from more than 25 years of systematic research into the experience of learning undertaken by a research team trying to account for the obvious Lo Mun Ling, Ference Marton. One important contribution of variation theory to learning study is that it brings the focus of the learning study sharply on the object 19 Jun 2012 In the 1970's, two Swedish scholars, Ference Marton and Roger Saljo, shifted the attention in learning research towards what students actually Marton and Säljö (1984) observed the 'technification' phenomenon where students' study approaches to a task reflected the requirements of the task. Scouller ( Ference Marton 2004-05-20.
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In 1976, Swedish researchers Ference Marton and Roger Saljö demonstrated that students learn not what teachers think they should learn, but what students perceive the task to demand of them. Correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent to Ference Marton, Department of Educa-tion,GöteborgUniversity,Box300,SE40530Göteborg, 1We do not make any distinction between design experiments, design-based research, or design studies. 2020-03-01 This book stems from more than 25 years of systematic research into the experience of learning undertaken by a research team trying to account for the obvious differences between more or less successful instances of learning in educational institutions. The book offers an answer in terms of the discovery of critical differences in the structure of The object of learning in action research and learning.
Ference Marton, W. M. Cheung, S. W. Y. Chan. Educational Action Research - 2019-01-01. Teaching finger patterns for arithmetic development to.
In this project, groups of teacherswentthroughcyclesofactionresearchinimplementing,evaluatingandmodifying a lesson (Lo, Pong, and Chik 2005). It took inspiration from the Japanese lesson study and later from the Chinese teachers’ research group model (e.g., Ma 1999). It derived its Kong Japanese Lesson Study was fused with a phenomenographic theory of learning developed initially in Sweden and then in Hong Kong by Ference Marton and his co-workers (See Marton and Booth 1997, Marton and Morris Eds. 2002, Marton and Runnesson 2003, Marton and Tui 2004, Marton and Pang 2004, Lo, Pong and Learning and Awareness (Educational Psychology Series) [Marton, Ference, Booth, Shirley] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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CONTACT Ference Marton EDUCATIONAL ACTION RESEARCH 2019, VOL. 27, NO. 4, 481–495 Kong Japanese Lesson Study was fused with a phenomenographic theory of learning developed initially in Sweden and then in Hong Kong by Ference Marton and his co-workers (See Marton and Booth 1997, Marton and Morris Eds. 2002, Marton and Runnesson 2003, Marton and Tui 2004, Marton … Ference Marton 2 Lesson Study (Japan) Teaching Study (mainland China) Learning Study (Hong Kong, China; Sweden) 3 Focus on How to help students to learn something specific (object of learning) How to organize learning in general (activities, arrangements) 4 Functions of Lesson Studies Variation Theory from Professor Ference Marton in 1998. The theory focuses on the object of learning and is interested in students’ experience of, and ways of understanding, an object of learning. Under the leadership of Professor Ference Marton, we engaged in a project that used of Variation Theory … referred to as “learning study” by Marton and Lo (e.g., Lo, 2012; Lo & Marton, 2012), who argued that teachers often have difficulty in putting theory into practice, and thus using a lesson as a point of departure can help teachers visualize how the theory can be … 1982-03-01 Utifrån erfarenheter av att ha handlett ca. 150 Learning studies ställde sig år 2013, Maria Bergqvist, Henrik Hansson och Ference Marton frågan: ”Hur kan vi bidra till att svenska lärare kollegialt, kontinuerligt, systematiskt och med vetenskapligt grund hållbart utvecklar sin undervisning som en naturlig del av deras läraruppdrag?”. Learning study är en variant av en Lesson study, som har utvecklats i Hong Kong och Sverige. I en Learning study genomförs vanligtvis tre eller fyra versioner av lektionen i cykeln planering-genomförande-utvärdering-revidering. This article reviews the work of Ference Marton and his group of researchers at the University of Goteborg in Sweden.
Marton Learning study was developed from the ideas about lesson study of Marton. Ulla has mainly studied learning and teaching of mathematics and she is In: Ference Marton, Amy B.M. Tsui (Ed.), Classroom discourse and the space of
Learning presents a research approach (phenomenography) and a theory (the variation theory of learning) introduced and developed by Ference Marton and
Learning Study är en vidareutveckling av Lesson Study och har utarbetats av professor ference marton vid Göteborgs universitet och hong kong. University. Hittade 5 avhandlingar innehållade orden Ference Marton. The aim is to analyse and describe how objects of learning are handled in three learning studies.
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Here are these 6 conceptions of learning and some details about the interest on the subject. Discovery in two stages.
Of course, the actual term phenomenography post-dates the original work
FERENCE MARTON Department of Education, University of G6teborg, Sweden for instance, the phenomenologist would aim at learning about polit- ical power, the psychologist would aim at learning about how people experi- as to the study of people’s experience of a
This book stems from more than 25 years of systematic research into the experience of learning undertaken by a research team trying to account for the obvious differences between more or less successful instances of learning in educational institutions. The book offers an answer in terms of the discovery of critical differences in the structure of the learner's awareness and critical
Chapter 2: Learning Conceptions and Outcomes (Lars-Owe Dalgreen) Chapter 3: Approaches to learning (Ference Marton and Roger Saljo) Chapter 4: Skill in Learning and Organising Knowledge (Lennart Svennsson) Chapter 5: Learning Orientations and Study Contracts (Liz …
Chinese lesson study, Learning study and keys to learning Ming Fai Pang and Ference Marton 9 Oct 2017 | International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 6, No. 4
Marton, Ference; Cheung, Wai Ming; Chan, Stephanie W. Y. Educational Action Research, v27 n4 p481-495 2019. The Learning study and the Educational Action Research approaches to educational research are compared, not from a third, neutral point of view, but from the perspective of the former.
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Ference Marton Göteborgs universitet
The theory focuses on the object of learning and is interested in students’ experience of, and ways of understanding, an object of learning. Under the leadership of Professor Ference Marton, we engaged in a project that used of Variation Theory as an explanatory Abstract. This article reviews the work of Ference Marton and his group of researchers at the University of Goteborg in Sweden. It describes and explains research into: what students learn; how students approach studying; the relationship between approach to study and learning outcomes; what students understand learning to consist of; and whether it is possible to manipulate students' approach to studying in order to influence the learning outcomes.
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Learning from "the learning study" Request PDF
The point of departure for a Learning study is a specific object of learning (i.e.